Code of the project: |
ULK828 |
Name of the project: |
MVE Hostěnice - Písty |
Act amendment No.: |
č. 350/2012 Sb. |
State of the project: |
Statement validity extension |
Below the threshold: |
Categorization: |
II/3.4;§4 odst. 1 písm. e |
Location: |
Kraj | Okres | Obec | Katastr |
Ústecký kraj | Litoměřice | Budyně nad Ohří | Písty |
Competent authority: |
Krajský úřad Ústeckého kraje |
Developer: |
KM-PRONA, a.s., Rynoltice 95, 463 55 Rynoltice |
CIN of the developer: |
25479733 |
Date and time of last modifications: |
Tue Jun 14 10:53:28 CEST 2022 |
Impact on the Natura 2000 network: |
Nevyloučen vliv na soustavu Natura 2000 |
Date of notification information publication on the official board of the affected region: |
Mon Jan 28 00:00:00 CET 2013 |
Deadline for the submission of comments: |
Sat Feb 16 00:00:00 CET 2013 |
Author of the notification: |
* Nezpracováno autorizovanou osobou
Author - Natura 2000 network: |
Volf Ondřej Mgr.
Affected special protection areas: |
Affected Sites of European Importance: |
Ohře |
Notification text: | (13937 kB) - 25.01.2013 10:17:08 |
Evaluation of the impacts on Natura 2000 network: |
ULK828_vyhodnoceniNaturaOznameni.pdf (7253 kB) - 25.01.2013 10:17:08 |
Notification information: |
ULK828_infOznam.pdf (30 kB) - 28.01.2013 13:06:34 |
Date of conclusion publication on the official board of the affected region: |
Wed Mar 20 00:00:00 CET 2013 |
Conclusions: |
ULK828_zjistovaci.pdf (77 kB) - 20.03.2013 08:37:09 |
Conclusion information: |
ULK828_infZjistovaci.pdf (30 kB) - 20.03.2013 08:37:09 |
Impact on the Natura 2000 network: |
Nevyloučen vliv na soustavu Natura 2000 |
Author of the environmental report: |
Václavíková Eliška Mgr.
Author - Natura 2000 network: |
Volf Ondřej Mgr.
Date of environmental report information publication on the official board of the affected region: |
Tue Nov 12 00:00:00 CET 2013 |
Deadline for the submission of comments: |
Wed Dec 11 00:00:00 CET 2013 |
Environmental report text: |
ULK828_dokumentace.pdf (7956 kB) - 31.10.2013 09:33:00 |
Supplemented/modified environmental report text: |
Annexes to the environmental report: |
posouzení změn hydraulických poměrů ULK828_prilohaDokumentaceDOC_1.pdf (3591 kB) - 31.10.2013 09:33:00průzkum vodních měkkýšů ULK828_prilohaDokumentaceDOC_2.pdf (386 kB) - 31.10.2013 09:33:28posouzení vlivu stavby na krajinný ráz ULK828_prilohaDokumentaceDOC_3.pdf (13407 kB) - 31.10.2013 09:34:04 |
Environmental report information: |
ULK828_infDokumentace.pdf (30 kB) - 12.11.2013 09:11:11 |
Text vyhodnocení na Naturu 2000: |
ULK828_vyhodnoceniNaturaDokumentace.pdf (937 kB) - 31.10.2013 09:34:19 |
Environmental report return: |
Author of the expert report: |
Bauer Pavel Mgr.
Author - Natura 2000 network: |
Bauer Pavel Mgr.
Date of expert report information publication on the official board of the affected region: |
Thu Feb 27 00:00:00 CET 2014 |
Deadline for the submission of comments: |
Fri Mar 28 00:00:00 CET 2014 |
Expert report text: | (1939 kB) - 24.02.2014 08:13:19 |
Expert report information: |
ULK828_infPosudek.pdf (30 kB) - 27.02.2014 14:29:26 |
Evaluation of the impacts on Natura 2000 network: |
Text vyhodnocení na soustavu Natura 2000 je součástí textové/tištěné části posudku |
Date of public hearing information publication on the official board of the affected region: |
Mon Mar 17 00:00:00 CET 2014 |
Information on place and time of the first public hearing: |
ULK828_inf1VP.pdf (29 kB) - 14.03.2014 14:17:18 |
First public hearing minutes: |
ULK828_zapis1VP.pdf (69 kB) - 10.04.2014 08:50:57 |
Date of statement publication on the official board of the affected region: |
Tue May 20 00:00:00 CEST 2014 |
Statement: |
Souhlasné |
Significant adverse impact on the Natura 2000 network: |
Neprokázán |
Statement text: | (13510 kB) - 10.02.2016 13:43:18 |
Statement validity extension: |
ULK828_prodlouzeniStan.pdf (503 kB) - 14.06.2022 10:53:28 |
Permitting authorities: |
Kraj | Okres | Úřad |
Ústecký | Litoměřice | Městský úřad Libochovice | Ústecký | Litoměřice | Městský úřad Roudnice nad Labem | Ústecký | Ústí nad Labem | Krajský úřad Ústeckého kraje |
Affected state: |
Note: |
Notification: |
Environmental report: |
Transboundary consultation: |
Expert report: |
Note: |