Code of the project: |
JHC583 |
Name of the project: |
Použití chemických posypových materiálů při zimní údržbě silnic I/4 a I/39 v NP a CHKO Šumava |
Act amendment No.: |
č. 85/2012 Sb. |
State of the project: |
Is not subject to further environmental impact assessment |
Below the threshold: |
Categorization: |
§4 odst. 1 písm. e |
Location: |
Kraj | Okres | Obec | Katastr |
Jihočeský kraj | Prachatice | Horní Vltavice | Horní Vltavice | Jihočeský kraj | Prachatice | Horní Vltavice | Račí | Jihočeský kraj | Prachatice | Horní Vltavice | Žlíbky | Jihočeský kraj | Prachatice | Kubova Huť | Kubova Huť | Jihočeský kraj | Prachatice | Lenora | Houžná | Jihočeský kraj | Prachatice | Lenora | Lenora | Jihočeský kraj | Prachatice | Lenora | Vlčí Jámy | Jihočeský kraj | Prachatice | Nová Pec | Nová Pec | Jihočeský kraj | Prachatice | Nová Pec | Pěkná | Jihočeský kraj | Prachatice | Strážný | Hliniště | Jihočeský kraj | Prachatice | Strážný | Silnice | Jihočeský kraj | Prachatice | Strážný | Strážný | Jihočeský kraj | Prachatice | Strážný | Řasnice | Jihočeský kraj | Prachatice | Vimperk | Arnoštka | Jihočeský kraj | Prachatice | Vimperk | Korkusova Huť | Jihočeský kraj | Prachatice | Vimperk | Solná Lhota | Jihočeský kraj | Prachatice | Vimperk | Vimperk | Jihočeský kraj | Prachatice | Volary | Chlum u Volar | Jihočeský kraj | Prachatice | Volary | Volary | Jihočeský kraj | Prachatice | Želnava | Želnava |
Competent authority: |
Krajský úřad Jihočeského kraje |
Developer: |
Ředitelství silnic a dálnic ČR, správa České Budějovice, Lidická 49/110, 370 44 České Budějovice |
CIN of the developer: |
65993390 |
Date and time of last modifications: |
Fri Jun 01 10:17:59 CEST 2012 |
Impact on the Natura 2000 network: |
Nevyloučen vliv na soustavu Natura 2000 |
Date of notification information publication on the official board of the affected region: |
Thu May 03 00:00:00 CEST 2012 |
Deadline for the submission of comments: |
Wed May 23 00:00:00 CEST 2012 |
Author of the notification: |
Bílek Ondřej RNDr.
Author - Natura 2000 network: |
Bílek Ondřej RNDr.
Affected special protection areas: |
Šumava |
Affected Sites of European Importance: |
Šumava |
Notification text: | (2324 kB) - 02.05.2012 14:54:15 |
Evaluation of the impacts on Natura 2000 network: |
JHC583_vyhodnoceniNaturaOznameni.pdf (2494 kB) - 02.05.2012 14:51:25 |
Notification information: |
JHC583_infOznam.pdf (109 kB) - 02.05.2012 14:51:25 |
Date of conclusion publication on the official board of the affected region: |
Conclusions: |
JHC583_zjistovaci.pdf (97 kB) - 01.06.2012 09:17:59 |
Conclusion information: |
JHC583_infZjistovaci.pdf (58 kB) - 01.06.2012 09:17:59 |
Impact on the Natura 2000 network: |
Vyloučen vliv na soustavu Natura 2000 |
Author of the environmental report: |
Author - Natura 2000 network: |
Date of environmental report information publication on the official board of the affected region: |
Deadline for the submission of comments: |
Environmental report text: |
Supplemented/modified environmental report text: |
Environmental report information: |
Environmental report return: |
Author of the expert report: |
Author - Natura 2000 network: |
Date of expert report information publication on the official board of the affected region: |
Deadline for the submission of comments: |
Expert report text: |
Expert report information: |
Date of public hearing information publication on the official board of the affected region: |
Information on place and time of the first public hearing: |
First public hearing minutes: |
Date of statement publication on the official board of the affected region: |
Statement: |
Significant adverse impact on the Natura 2000 network: |
Statement text: |
Statement validity extension: |
Affected state: |
Note: |
Notification: |
Environmental report: |
Transboundary consultation: |
Expert report: |
Note: |