Projects situated outside the Czech territory
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MZP060M Multimodálne logistické centrum Holíč
Country of origin: Slovensko
Last change: Mon Mar 28 13:43:59 CEST 2022
State of the project: Terminated for other reasons

MZP057M Rýchlostná cesta R6 štátna hranica SR/ČR - Púchov
Country of origin: Slovensko
Last change: Mon Mar 28 13:22:01 CEST 2022
State of the project: Terminated for other reasons

MZP051M Modernizácia železničnej trate Bratislava hl. st. – Kúty – Lanžhot CZ, úsek trate Devínska Nová Ves (mimo) – Kúty – Lanžhot CZ
Country of origin: Slovensko
Last change: Mon Mar 28 13:08:58 CEST 2022
State of the project: Is not subject to transboundary assessment

MZP044M Sklad vyhoretého jadrového paliva Mochovce
Country of origin: Slovensko
Last change: Mon Mar 28 12:59:24 CEST 2022
State of the project: Is subject to transboundary assessment

MZP032M Diaľnica D2, Bratislava - št. hranica SR/ČR
Country of origin: Slovensko
Last change: Mon Mar 28 12:53:21 CEST 2022
State of the project: Terminated for other reasons

MZP023M Parkovací dom – PORTAŠ – SEDLO
Country of origin: Slovensko
Last change: Mon Mar 28 12:48:16 CEST 2022
State of the project: Terminated for other reasons

MZP021M Dobudovanie dopravnej infrastruktury Horne Srnie/Brumov - Bylnice
Country of origin: Slovensko
Last change: Mon Mar 28 11:53:47 CEST 2022
State of the project: Statement

MZP015M Veterný park Myjava, lokalita Ostrý vrch II. (přepracované oznámení)
Country of origin: Slovensko
Last change: Mon Mar 28 11:37:06 CEST 2022
State of the project: Is subject to transboundary assessment

MZP005M Veterný park Myjava, lokalita Ostrý vrch II.
Country of origin: Slovensko
Last change: Mon Mar 28 11:30:18 CEST 2022
State of the project: Terminated for other reasons

MZP001M ŽSR, Modernizácia železničnej trate Bratislava – Kúty pre rýchlosť 160 km/hod
Country of origin: Slovensko
Last change: Mon Mar 28 11:10:11 CEST 2022
State of the project: Statement
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